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You Get to Set the Tone: Why Setting the Environment in Birth Matters

One of my roles as a doula is that I get the privilege of helping set the environment and birth atmosphere. Why does this even matter? A warm, safe, private, dark and quiet environment helps promote oxytocin and melatonin, hormones that can help labour get going (and stay going!) - KEY for the physiological flow of birth. There are simple, practical things you or I could do to help set the stage for your labour and birth, whether you choose to give birth at home or in a hospital.

Here are some practical ways you can “set the tone” for your birth:

  • Lighting. I’m a huge sucker for string lights. I’ve hung them in every place I’ve lived so far, and it’s crazy how it instantly ups the level of cozy! Don’t underestimate the power of lighting – low lighting in labour helps keep stress hormone levels down and promotes the production of melatonin, which has been found to work well in conjunction with oxytocin, the hormone responsible for sustained uterine contractions. Packing battery-operated tealight candles and some string lights in my birth bag can help transform the birth space you choose into a magical, cozy birth cave.

  • Aroma. Different scents can have different effects in labour - certain ones are relaxing, and others may be energizing or stimulating. Peppermint (good for nausea!), lavender (calming) and grapefruit (energizing) essential oils may be good ones to bring along. A few drops in a bath or shower can help promote relaxation. Do be aware that certain scents you normally like may be off-putting in labour. You can always put a few drops on a cotton ball so that you can easily take the scent away, if it isn't working out for you.

  • Music, Hypnobirthing Tracks or Silence. Creating a labour playlist with songs that carry significance for you may be helpful during labour. Or, you may find playing hypnobirthing tracks on repeat helpful for you. Or, you may just prefer silence. I had a client recently who brought along their diffuser from home, had the spa music going and totally transformed their hospital room into the ultimate zen zone - it was so relaxing!

  • Request Hushed/Low Voices. This is a sacred space that should be treated as such. Especially in a hospital setting, where people are constantly coming and going, things can get really loud, which can mess up your labour flow. Have a pre-written page requesting that voices be lowered/your quiet space be respected that you can tape to your hospital room door. Make your birth team aware of your preferences too, so they can help make sure your wishes are respected. I have no problem gently asking people that they continue their conversations amongst themselves away from your space :)

  • Peaceful People Only. A heart at peace within itself sets others at ease, invites them in and makes them feel safe, no matter where they may be. As a doula, I aim to carry this for you and help facilitate finding your peace as labour can come with a host of concerns, fears and unknowns. It's why choosing the people you want present at your birth is SO important.

What was your birth environment like? How did you set the tone?

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